Puss in Boots: The Three Diablos is a 2012 computer-animated short comedy film, and a sequel to Puss in Boots. It was directed by Raman Hui and features Antonio Banderas as the voice of the title character. The short was released on February 24, 2012, attached as a bonus feature to the Puss in Boots DVD and Blu-ray (3D) release.[1] The short tells a story of Puss in Boots on a mission to recover a princess' stolen ruby from the notorious French thief the Whisperer. Reluctantly accompanied by three cute little kittens called the Three Diablos, Puss must tame them before they endanger the mission. 在经过了一系列惊险刺激的大冒险过后,剑客靴猫踏上新的征程。这次他来到一片辽阔壮丽的荒原,当他正纵马驰骋之时,却被一群全副武装的士兵拦了下来。在验证身份之后,剑客靴猫被带进一座华丽庄严的王宫,并见到了亚历山德拉•贝拉冈巴公主。公主愁眉不展,面带忧伤,原来她王冠上的熔火之心红宝石被来自法兰西的盗贼耳语大盗偷走。在追捕耳语大盗的过程中,卫兵们捉到大盗的三个跟班——三只超萌看似天真无邪的幼猫。可是公主与卫兵却称他们为恶魔,公主拜托剑客靴猫从小猫口中问出耳语大盗的巢穴,并找回宝石。剑客靴猫欣然应允,不过他却轻视了眼前这三只诡计多端的小猫……
欧美 短片 动画电影 梦工厂 2012 卖萌 治愈 搞笑 貓 美国动画 剧场版
Antonio Banderas